

Policy title


Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Approved by
Ad Council
Policy statement


内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学了解大学教育的投资.  当情况改变了学生和/或家庭资助投资的能力时, NWU愿意审查情况以寻求可能的解决方案.  经历过这种变化的学生或家长应通过电子邮件(financialaid [at] semaronline.com (金融援助[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu))或致电(402-465-2167),要求重新评估他们的经济援助申请和文件.  每个特殊情况都是独特的,将根据具体情况进行审查,以确定是否有可能获得额外的援助资格.


当特殊情况发生时,没有反映在你的联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA)上。, 可能需要对您的申请中的某些数据元素进行调整,这可能会增加您的联邦资格, state, or institutional aid.  并不是每一种情况都会改变学生的资格.  Examples of circumstances that could impact your eligibility include: a reduction or loss of employment; the separation/divorce of a parent whose information was provided on the FAFSA ; the death of a parent whose information is included on the FAFSA; incurring unusually high out-of-pocket medical/dental expenses not covered by insurance.  如果你遇到其中一种情况, 或者有另一个你觉得应该包括在重新评估的一部分, 向奖学金和财政援助办公室提供一份情有可原的信件以及支持文件.  在初步审查后,可能会要求提供额外的文件以进行最终确定.


特殊情况可能会增加学生上学的成本,超出NWU确定的平均估计成本.  在这些情况下,可以要求调整学生的COA预算.  对COA的调整可能导致贷款资格的增加.  并非所有COA的变更都会改变援助资格.  Examples of situations that may justify a COA budget adjustment include: study abroad expenses; the purchase of a computer for educational purposes; additional transportation or living expenses.  请求增加你们的COA预算, 向奖学金和财政援助办公室提供一份情有可原的信件以及支持文件.  在初步审查后,可能会要求提供额外的文件以进行最终确定.


可能会有不寻常的情况,阻止学生联系家长提交FAFSA.  Examples of unusual circumstances include: the student left home due to an abusive or threatening environment; the student was abandoned by or estranged from their parents, and has not been adopted; the student has refugee or asylee status and are separated from their parents, or their parents are displaced in a foreign country; the student is a victim of human trafficking; the student’s parents are incarcerated and contact with the parents would pose a risk; the student is unable to contact or locate their parents, 也没有被收养.  在完成和提交申请之前,学生需要对FAFSA上的特殊情况问题回答“是”.  然后,学生应该向奖学金和经济援助办公室提交一份情有可依的信件.  将要求提供其他文件, 其中可能包括以下内容:申请人与NWU财政援助工作人员之间的书面面试, along with third-party written statements of support/substantiation; the submission of a court order or official Federal or State documentation showing the students’ parents or legal guardian(s) are incarcerated; a documented phone call or written statement from an attorney, guardian ad litem, 法院指定的特别辩护律师, or representative of TRIO or GEAR UP confirming applicant’s circumstances and person’s relationship to the student; documented determination of independence made by a Financial Aid Administrator at another institution in the same or prior award year.

一旦收到所有要求的文件,奖学金和财务总监将完成审查, 我们将在两周内做出决定.